MLM Network Marketing Secrets – How to choose a Company?

Top MLM Network Marketing Company: What is the best MLM Network Marketing Company for you? The secret is out!
Everybody tells you that they are the best. They may even get you all jacked up with hype and lies. Have you heard them say 'you can make one million dollar in one week?'
You won’t hear this from me today. To have MLM Network Marketing success, you have to evaluate the opportunity, the sponsor and the team that you want to join.
I believe you should get the appropriate training before you even consider MLM Network Marketing as a business. Get an education before investing your hard earned money in a self proclaimed "best opportunity." It will save you years of frustration and failure.
You do not want to waste your hard earned money and pull your hair out afterwards.
My purpose is to teach you how to find the best company and sponsor for you. It is all about you.
A great company with a bad team or a bad sponsor = failure and frustration.
I am sure you have read the basics on how to evaluate network marketing companies:
1-Company duration in business
2-Products quality and exclusiveness
3-Compensation plan
I will skip this common knowledge; you can find it anywhere online.
Briefly, I will share with you secret tips on how to evaluate a MLM Network Marketing company:
1-Company integrity
2-Company management experience
3-Your sponsor personality color! (I am not talking about skin color)
4-Your team marketing knowledge
5-Compensation plans and your personality
6-Marketing plans
1-Company integrity
If you are looking for a top MLM Network Marketing company, don't you want to know who is in charge?
Why is this critical?
Let me tell you what happens every day in the Network Marketing industry.
Major distributors are terminated from their companies because they retired!
The company "leaders" do not like the idea that you continue to make money when you stop working.
If you have not heard these horror stories, I can tell you many.
Hint: typically those “leaders” and “founders” will remind you of their integrity!
I will teach you how to read their minds.
Obviously, you can do a Google search and find a third party review.
I will give you a more precise way to disclose their intentions.
It's easy, read the policies and procedures! They will tell you!
The “leaders” and “founders” may have the intention to get rid of you and steal your check. In order for them to make it legal, they add poisons to their policies and procedures and then they make you sign it!
Unfortunately, many network marketers are honest nice guys; they join because they heard a presentation full of hype or because the company has a cool website!
How do they intoxicate their policies and procedures?
Rod Cook, the MLM watch dog guy, tells you never to sign any policies and procedures with more than 30 pages long. Is that simple or what? If you see 40 pages then you don’t need to read them. I promise you they have tons of poisons for you. I challenge you to go and check each self proclaimed "top network marketing company" policies and procedures. Some of those companies won't even give them to you until after you joined! Go figure.
They may disclose their intentions very obviously or in a subtle way. They will tell you that they have the right to cancel the compensation plan anytime and transform the company to direct sales company. A.k.a. your check and your distributor’s checks will disappear over night. Your dreams and your team’s dreams are flushed down the toilet. Most people are naive; they sign these policies and procedures without reading them. Do you believe that?
Those "leaders" may add tiny toxic words, such as continuous. The distributor has to continuously keep in touch with his team, be involved with continuous training and continuous sponsoring…The key word is continuous. In other words, they can terminate you as soon as you stop working, which means they won’t allow you to have a residual income. Hey, you signed it, didn't you?
Ask Jim Rohm about this tiny word. It cost him a quarter million of dollars! He will tell you not to sign blindly, take your team, read the contract and analyze it.
Actually, they may use an even better trick! They may replace the word continuous with the word ongoing...As far as I understand that means continuous.
What is your purpose of joining a top network marketing company?
Isn’t a proclaimed top network marketing company supposed to be a residual income business opportunity?
There are many other scenarios with different toxins. Do not sign anything you do not understand, get suspicious and ask for expert opinion.
I highly recommend you to join Mentoring For Free and get educated.
2-Company management experience:
What do I mean?
If the leaders in a Network Marketing company have never been a distributor and never build a down line, how do you expect them to teach you!
Would you go to a marriage counselor who has never been married?
3-Your sponsor personality color:
Let me ask you a question:
Why would you want to join a top network marketing company if you have a bad sponsor?
Very briefly, if your sponsor is “red”, manipulator, ruthless, careless, he may get you terminated on purpose because of greed and ego!
Understanding personality types is very crucial in MLM Network Marketing; you should know your personality type and your prospect. You will learn all about personalities completely free of charge. It is actually fun to learn.
4-Your team marketing knowledge and experience
That’s another biggie.
If your sponsor or your team doesn’t understand the basics of direct response marketing and internet marketing. If they do not know how to market, how do you expect them to teach you! You will be left wading in the mud by yourself. Not pretty.
I recommend checking out the quality of the training available from the company. Find out the tools they use.
Beware of proclaimed top MLM Network Marketing Company!
5-Compensation plans and your personality
This takes time to explain, I will explain it briefly. Most importantly, if the company compensation plan is based on “front loading” and “stair-step-breakaway” compensation plan, the only people who succeed are the hard selling, aggressive and ruthless people. This was the reason of leaving my prior company.
It doesn't matter if the company is considered a "Top MLM Network Marketing Company". There are many good network marketing companies but it may not be for you.
There are other tricks; I would rather refer you to the mentoring for free. They have one Saturday each month where we discuss this particular topic for one whole hour.
6-Marketing plan:
If this company marketing plan is based mostly on recruiting friends and family, or offline marketing, your are going to have hard time my Friend!
Your company or your team should teach you Internet Marketing. Otherwise, you will be going in circles.
I am sorry if I made it look difficult, but what would you rather do, investigate or join a self proclaimed top MLM Network Marketing company and waste your money?
You may ask me if the company you are checking into is considered a top MLM Network Marketing company.
Aren't you looking for a MLM Network Marketing company that will lead you to success and give you a real residual income? The secret is out! The decision is yours.
Don't be fooled by the self proclaimed top MLM Network Marketing Company.
Educate yourself.
A mentor with a servant’s heart.
Other network marketing tips written by Monica
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