Network Marketing Success – Say it With Feeling!

There are many books that include information on this, including Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and Advanced Formula for Total Success by Dr. Robert Anthony.
You may have learned to say affirmations day-in and day-out so that your subconscious starts to believe you and act accordingly. Did you have any positive results? If not, one of the many reasons that could cause the affirmations to be sabotaged is not saying them with emotion.
There are other reasons, too, but I’m going to focus on emotions particularly because of something that happened to me recently.
Picturing the end result you intend to accomplish should include how you feel at the accomplishment. The subconscious part of our mind responds more to feelings than to words. You do want to be carefully and make sure the feelings are positive ones. Make sure also that your affirmations are specific.
How do I know this works? I’ve been single for eight years and looking on-and-off for a significant other. Just a short time ago I wrote out a shopping list of what characteristics I want in a gentleman, was very specific, and said it out loud several times a day for about two weeks with a great deal of feeling and emotion. I have been part of singles groups in person and online. I had bogus people contact me or people in whom I’m not interested. After all this time, I was finally contacted by a gentleman who not only has all the qualities I put on my shopping list, but a few qualities that I forgot to mention. These must have been in my subconscious already. So far, so wonderful! Next on the agenda, more feeling and focus on the success part of my business.
This is quite a dramatic way for me to prove to myself that specific affirmations for my network marketing success will work – especially if I put a lot of specifics and feelings into the mix. Why don’t you give it a try?
Wishing you success in network marketing -
Wendy Weber, the Singing Network Marketer
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"Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart"
Other articles by Wendy
Network Marketing Success - How to Choose a Company, Episode 1
Network Marketing Success - How to Choose a Company, Episode 2
Network Marketing Success - How to Choose a Company, Episode 3
Network Marketing Success - How to Choose a Company, Episode 4
Network Marketing Success – Are We Having Fun, Yet?
How a 55 Year-Old Single Parent in Phoenix – Who Loved Her Network Marketing Company for SEVEN YEARS! – Realized She Had Been Betrayed
Network Marketing Success - Take It Away!
network marketing success.

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