Mastering the Skills of retaining sponsors in NWM can take your business to the next level. The three major keys involve selective recruiting, communication and dupliction.
Not everyone is a prime candidate for Network Marketing. Fifty percent of the earth's poplulation should not be in NWM business. Ninety percent of new businesses fail in the first year. And ninety percent of the rest fail in the next four years! So what do you do when looking for a new prospect? The first thing to do is listen to your prospect; for a burning desire, and a big WHY. Without a Why, the prospect most likely will not fit in your organization. When talking to them, do you detect they are receptive? Can they see the "Big picture?" And, most important are they teachable?
Those that filter through this selection will be worth their weight in gold and your organization will be stronger for it.
The first 48 hours is crucial for the new recruit. It is important to be honest and up front, yet sensitive to their needs. Spend time with them, listen for questions and concerns. Begin the process by teaching skills they need for network marketing. Let them know this is not a selling business, but a people business. Give them a task to do then follow up. You are looking for achievers, leaders and doers. When a task is finished give them feedback and make them feel valuable.
Keep them close to the fire. Have them join conference calls, team calls, e-mails, along with new tips should keep them connected. You cannot over communicate in the beginning.
Everything you do must be duplicated for the new recruit. They need to know each step to take what to do and what not to do. For example, help them understand that going out and making 1000 phone calls a day, or meeting a $2500 per month quota is not duplication. Neither is bombarding your friends, relatives and neighbors. Don't try to sell anyone on your deal! Instead, find a system that works for the average person who may be spending only 5-10 hours a week in MLM. Make sure your company has a compensation plan that does not take away from your recruit, but gives them the incentive to work, one that gives them every advantage.
A Doctor does not get his license overnight. Nor does a lawyer. Network Marketing is no different. You as a mentor need to know every aspect of your company. Your recruit should be willing to learn about a 5 Pillar Company, learn the difference between Policy’s and Procedures. Compensation plans should also be learned. Learn the Colors to Success, how to communicate with people easily.
Do you want your business to flourish? Do you want to keep rebuilding your organization again and again because you failed to build it right the first time? Communication, duplication and being selective with recruits is the only way to “BUILD IT ONCE, BUILD IT BIG, BUILD IT FOR YOUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN.”
Deana Miller
Learn more tips form our e-book
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Are You Searching For Success
Hi Deana,
I would like to add to your post that
1-The way you present the business makes a huge difference. If you present the opporutnity with lies and hype. People will find out the ugly truth soon or later.
If you promise them 'spill over', you end up building lazy mentality.
I have already discussed some of these issues on my blog just recently.
Nabil Khoury, MD
The MLM doctor
The MLM doctor
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