Persistence in Network Marketing

In essence persistence is the power of the will. In Network Marketing this is a must or you will not succeed. Will-power and desire, when properly combined make an irresistible pair. Sometimes men of wealth are considered cold-blooded and ruthless because they have will power which is misjudged as greed. When will-power is paired with persistence and put with a persons deepest Desires, their objectives are usually attained.
The lack of persistence is very common in most people. However, it is a weakness which may be overcome with effort. Depending on our desire, which must be to the point of obsession; persistence may be dramatically helped. Desire must be utmost in our minds. Everyday our self-talk must be about our desired goals and they must be kindled with a passion of fire. We cannot let ourselves recognize failure. The very thoughts cannot occupy our conscious minds. We must learn by unfortunate failures, putting Persistence back in operation, and never loosing sight of our desired goals.
Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. Next, determine what you will do in return for your desire. Third, establish a date when you want the money or desire to be fulfilled. Fourth, create a definite plan to carry our your desire. Fifth, write out your desire in a clear concise statement with all the details, the amount, date of achievement and what you will do in return for the money. Make a sign, put it on your bathroom mirror, on the office wall or on the refrig so you can see it each day. Sixth, read you statement out loud at least twice a day, once in the morning and before you retire at night. If you keenly desire you goal to the point of obsession, you will have no difficulty in acquiring your destination. You must become “money conscious.”
Persistence is a state of mind. It can be cultivated. It can only be accomplished by following this plan. Definiteness of purpose: Persist in what you want. Desire: Persist in your desire. Self Reliance: Belief in your ability to carry out your plan with Persistence. Definite Plans: Even though weak organize your plans. Co-operation: Learn to understand to be harmonious with others. It tends to develop Persistence. Will Power: Developing a habit of concentration leads to Persistence. And last Habit: Persistence is the direct result of habit. You cannot be spasmodic about your desire, you must apply rule number six to get a fixed habit, so your mind becomes “money conscious.” Without Persistence you will be defeated, even before you start. With Persistence you will WIN! There is no substitute for persistence. No matter how many times you are defeated, with persistence you will reach the top of the ladder. Then , all the failures will be changed to VICTORY in you Network Marketing organization!
Success in your Network Marketing,
Deana Miller
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