Simply means over a given period of time you have done a service such as working for a cooperation in which you receive a restricted amount of money given to us by the company. Before you are paid however, Federal Taxes, Social Security, State and local taxes are taken from your check. You get what is left. You invest your time, you work for your money.
At 9 a.m you go to your J.O.B and you work until 5 p.m. You check out and go home only to do this again, day after day after day. This is called survival by most standards. Sometimes it takes not only you, but a spouse working to keep a household running. Either of you stop, and the money stops. You may have a few days of sick leave coming, but on the whole you are guaranteed nothing. With today’s unsteady economy linear income is like a yo-yo. You may go to work in the morning and leave in the evening with a pink slip. The money stops.
Life isn’t fair and a person ends up blaming their boss. This will not get your job back. So you go looking for another job because your small savings account will not last you for long. You find another job and do good for a couple years only to have the same scenario happens again. The money stops again. You feel like a slave to money. Linear income does run havoc with your emotions because there is no solid guarantee another paycheck will be coming. There is a possible solution. Take a look at another way to receive money.
The wonderful thing about recurring income, it is exactly what it says… is occurring again and again. Rich people know about this; the only way to have money is make it work for you. Most people who are rich are considered greedy. However, if you could go behind the scenes you would soon understand they have learned at a young age to make money work for you. Unfortunately we are not taught this in school, we are only taught to study hard so we can get a perfect job that pays lots of money. With recurring income your may go on vacation when you want, get up in the morning when you want, get sick, end up in the hospital and the income keeps coming in. Mr. Robert T. Kiyosaki states “It’s like planting a tree. You water it for years and then one day it doesn’t need you anymore. It’s roots have gone deep enough….”
With the right Network Marketing Business, the best Policy’s and Procedures along with a great Compensation Plan, you can build an organization which will last you and your children’s children. There are almost no boundary’s . Your time will become your time, you will be the boss. You can go to bed at night knowing your business will be there in the morning . If you work hard now with an MLM company, you will be able to set back and relax tomorrow because like a tree who has good roots, you will have a solid foundation under your organization and you will not have to worry about a substantial RECURRING INCOME for the rest of your life.
May Success be yours,
Deana Miller
No Cost E-Book
Other networking tips by Deana
Network Marketing Compensation Plans
Network Marketing - Persuade not Minipulate
Network Marketing And Choleric Red
Seven Core Values to Success
Persistence in Network Marketing
Great explaination! The question to ask yourself is 'When I'm sleeping, am I making money?' If the answer is YES, you have recurring income.
nice post.
You may want to check my website:network marketing tips
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