During the dark days of the depression Network Marketing began. In it’s humble beginning it started with one phone call at a time. Business men who understood change began to take note of this simple yet effective way to sell. It was not until the late 50’s when things begin to change. During these years some of the big names in the industry were formed such as Amway and Shaklee. Then during the 60’s giants like Avon, Tupperware, Fuller Brush and MaryKay emerged.
A pattern began to form as the Network Marketing came into being. It was noted when unemployment was up so was the Market. During the latter part of the 50’s when unemployment was 6.8 percent the Market industry flourished, but during the 80’s when unemployment was 9.7 percent the MLM Industry hit a slump. MLM hit a 30-year low at 4.2 percent in 1999. It is predicted that Network Marketing has no place to go but up now.
People born between 1946 and 1964 account for nearly one third of our nations population. Over time the Boomers have become dissatisfied with hype, false claims or business dealings, the way their parents were treated by physicians with overdosing and making addicts out of them. They wanted for themselves better health, straight answers and a good retirement. They also wanted a better life for their children.
Because of the precautions of the Boomers, they have given to their children a learning ability which has given both parents and offspring the insight to reach out for extra income. The Network Marketing Industry has become a possibility. They are becoming well educated with the computer and cyberspace. Statistics tell us some 41 million of these Boomer Offspring will turn 18 in the next seven years. They are obtaining the skills to afford them a better lifestyle then even their parents. There will not be a better time for those of us already in the Industry to have made the preparations, learned the skills and found the right business for us to be ready for this “New Blood” to enter the Network Marketing field.
There is another group with an exceptional number who are participating in network marketing. These 40 plus year olds are willing to invest in a residual income business venture. It is estimated this group will also rise over the next seven years.
Start-up companies are declining while the older more established companies who are changing with the time are in the forefront. Some companies fail to understand with the technology we have our retail sales should be sky-rocketing. Those visionary companies who have realized the awesome power of the Internet realize not only is it advantageous in having it do all the work for us, but is helping us present our products and opportunities faster, less expensive, and to far, far greater number of people. One writer states at the present time there are about seven million people involved in Network Marketing. What about the other 270 million?
Do we know exactly when the big momentum will take off? No! But we can look at the statistics and realize there is coming a major network marketing explosion. If you are involved in a company today, stay involved. Learn every technique, great presentations, be informed on your product because you will be here when the boom happens. Make your decision today. People are looking for leaders who are willing to hang in there when things get tough, people who are willing to put in long hours now so they can spend time with their family and friends tomorrow. If you think you are one of these special people then come along with us, strap yourself in and get ready for the ride of your life. It’s going to be exciting!
May Success be yours,
Deana J. Miller
For Network Marketing Success Secrets Information
Network Marketing And The Choleric Red
Network Marketing and the Compensation Plans
Network Marketing Income, Linear versus Recurring
Seven Core Values
Persistence in Network Marketing
Interesting time to be in Network Marketing, isn't it!
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