Network marketing prospecting mistakes

If you are looking for network marketing success, you need to stop repeating your mistakes and turning off your prospects:
Frequent mistakes in presenting the business:
There are five major statements that turn off 'real' people:
- It is easy. Anyone can do it: now, ask yourself, are you trying to recruit lazy people who join only if it is easy. Even if they join you, how long do you think they are going to last before they quit? Are you lying to yourself or to your prospects? Do you think people are dumb to believe your statement?
- My company is the best, fastest growing, best comp plan, bla bla bla: Remember network marketing is a relationship business, and not a sales business. When your prospect hear you, in his mind he is saying: sales talk, activate defense mechanism...
- All you have to do is talk to your friends and family: that's the best one. You know this is not true. Anyone who has any experience in mlm will make fun of you, and in his mind he is going to say: yeah, right, I heard this before, I tried it, and now I don't get invited to thanks giving dinner anymore.
- Everyone wants our products and services: You turn off again anyone who knows better, your prospect is going to say: yeah, you want me to buy bunch of stuff that I don't need so you can make more money from my back.
- Spillover: This is the last fashion in network marketing! Ask yourself do you want to attract lazy people who are going to join and wait till they get the spillover?
Nabil Khoury, MD
(712) 792-3222
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You humor is wonderful, Nabil! After reading your article, you are going to get a lot of questions! All the preconceived ideas just got deflated!
Having the right skills is key when presenting "The Business".
It should not sound like a sales pitch..They are people. Find out who they are... care about them. NWM is a relationship business.
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