You heard Network Marketing was easy! Maybe it is the place to be? Maybe because you want to get rich? WHY? What is your why? Maybe you wish everything you touch would turn to gold.
Maybe you have had some rough times financially as well as personally. Have you blamed your boss, your spouse, your in-laws or even your enemies for your failures? Does it seem everywhere you turn you are hitting a brick wall? It is getting to you, isn’t it? You feel sorry for yourself and angry with the world in general. I’m assuming some bad stuff has happened and even your health is taking a downward spiral. It won’t get better. Negativity doesn’t give you any quarter. It takes. It takes everything you have and more. Why not take another approach to life starting right now.
What’s your age? Don’t tell me! I’ve already been down that road. It’s your turn now. You see, no matter what your age is, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters from two seconds ago. Don’t think about what happened yesterday or last year or ten years ago. All that matters is RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE. This is the first day of the rest of your life. You have a DESIRE, a want for something better. That’s positive! You want SUCCESS. That’s a positive! O.K. You are on the right track! You are the only one who can decide your destiny; your path to success or failure.
Look at Thomas Edison, Schwab, Carnegie and many others who have proceeded us. How many times did they fail? But, permanent failure was not in their vocabulary. Each of these men had a BURNING DESIRE to succeed and because of their determination, today we are a better society. They had FAITH in their DREAMS, they had a focused VISION on what they wanted. Pursue your dream as if your life depended on it. It is not easy, you have to let the T.V. go, the parties and all the other extra activities. You have to sacrifice now, so that later you can enjoy life. You are the “ Master of your fate; the captain of your soul.”
So, sit down and write your dream on a piece of paper. Write your WHY. Then look at it everyday. Be selfish! This is your life, no one else is going to help you. Think about WHY you want what you want. Write your WHY and you will be on your way to a SUCCESS IN NETWORK MARKETING.
It's about you. It's your story. Why do you or don't you like your job? What are you really good at? Tell about the things you love because usually they are what you do best. Why have you chosen the MLM industry? You may have had some successes. Write a journal about them. Tell the good and the bad. If some bad things happened, a journal will help you in the next company if you are in the market for one. You will know why you failed, or what obstacle you could not conquer. Ask yourself why you want to succeed in the Network Marketing world. Create a Dream for the future, something you really want to attain in your life. Be possessive. Focus on your dream and each day do self talk. It will begin to work on your sub-concious mind and you will begin to see opportunities which will lead you to your goal. This will keep you going when big obstacles get in your way. Make notes or little posters and hang them on your computer, in the bathroom, anywhere will do. Then give yourself a few minutes each day. Find a quite place without all the "chatter" and focus on your Dream. You may be surprised when opportunities nearly reach out and grab you!
Our team would like to help you in any way possible. You are in a safe place with us, so feel free to contact us at any time for help. Get our NO COST E-book which will start you on your way to a safe, and successful marketing adventure.
The best to Your Future and Network Marketing.
Deana J. Miller
"Be mentor with a Servant's Heart."
Learn more:
You heard Network Marketing was easy! Maybe it is the place to be? Maybe because you want to get rich? WHY? What is your why? Maybe you wish everything you touch would turn to gold.
Maybe you have had some rough times financially as well as personally. Have you blamed your boss, your spouse, your in-laws or even your enemies for your failures? Does it seem everywhere you turn you are hitting a brick wall? It is getting to you, isn’t it? You feel sorry for yourself and angry with the world in general. I’m assuming some bad stuff has happened and even your health is taking a downward spiral. It won’t get better. Negativity doesn’t give you any quarter. It takes. It takes everything you have and more. Why not take another approach to life starting right now.
What’s your age? Don’t tell me! I’ve already been down that road. It’s your turn now. You see, no matter what your age is, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters from two seconds ago. Don’t think about what happened yesterday or last year or ten years ago. All that matters is RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE. This is the first day of the rest of your life. You have a DESIRE, a want for something better. That’s positive! You want SUCCESS. That’s a positive! O.K. You are on the right track! You are the only one who can decide your destiny; your path to success or failure.
Look at Thomas Edison, Schwab, Carnegie and many others who have proceeded us. How many times did they fail? But, permanent failure was not in their vocabulary. Each of these men had a BURNING DESIRE to succeed and because of their determination, today we are a better society. They had FAITH in their DREAMS, they had a focused VISION on what they wanted. Pursue your dream as if your life depended on it. It is not easy, you have to let the T.V. go, the parties and all the other extra activities. You have to sacrifice now, so that later you can enjoy life. You are the “ Master of your fate; the captain of your soul.”
So, sit down and write your dream on a piece of paper. Write your WHY. Then look at it everyday. Be selfish! This is your life, no one else is going to help you. Think about WHY you want what you want. Write your WHY and you will be on your way to a SUCCESS IN NETWORK MARKETING.
It's about you. It's your story. Why do you or don't you like your job? What are you really good at? Tell about the things you love because usually they are what you do best. Why have you chosen the MLM industry? You may have had some successes. Write a journal about them. Tell the good and the bad. If some bad things happened, a journal will help you in the next company if you are in the market for one. You will know why you failed, or what obstacle you could not conquer. Ask yourself why you want to succeed in the Network Marketing world. Create a Dream for the future, something you really want to attain in your life. Be possessive. Focus on your dream and each day do self talk. It will begin to work on your sub-concious mind and you will begin to see opportunities which will lead you to your goal. This will keep you going when big obstacles get in your way. Make notes or little posters and hang them on your computer, in the bathroom, anywhere will do. Then give yourself a few minutes each day. Find a quite place without all the "chatter" and focus on your Dream. You may be surprised when opportunities nearly reach out and grab you!
Our team would like to help you in any way possible. You are in a safe place with us, so feel free to contact us at any time for help. Get our NO COST E-book which will start you on your way to a safe, and successful marketing adventure.
The best to Your Future and Network Marketing.
Deana J. Miller
"Be mentor with a Servant's Heart."
Learn more:
Enjoyed your article. Without a WHY you are stuck in the mud. WHY's are what drive your success. It is that passion that activates action.
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