Do you know what will happen if you try to build your organization without a relationship foundation? When a crisis comes along, you will loose part of your people and will have to start rebuilding again. Why would you want to waste your time doing this? Why not build your business on relationships first, establishing a solid foundation?
You want to be able to communicate as if your business life depended on it. Be a leader who can differentiate a warrior from the tire kickers. You need to be knowledgeable about your business. Know your products and be able to give support to your team members. Communication is a contact sport, so do it early and often. Talk by phone exchanging ideas or call them just to say hello. Relationships have a short shelf life. No matter how persuasive you are , no one will remember you from a business card. One of the biggest mistakes is not following up once we have a lead. Yes, leads are usually from your cold market, but with communication you can turn a potential into a warm market. Feel out a potential team player who has a vision the same as yours. Send emails, this is the cheapest line of communication if you are on a shoestring budget. Send an email letting the person know you are glad to meet them and would like to contact them as soon as possible. Send them new information, tid-bits you have recently learned about. You want to reinforce who you are immediately. You need to know when a person is ready to meet you and talk to you. You want a person who is going to be with you for a very long time. You will need to apply consistent efforts, along with determination, focus and be committed to your organization. Reach out to a potential partner. Peak their curiosity, make them want to know more about your company and you. Leaders are readers.
Once you have established a know, like and trust, you want your new business partner to duplicate the same relationship you have formed with them, again and again. Building relationships will create strength and long term stability for your organization. Persistence in relationships is a virtual must. It is the key element to network marketing success. You need to keep on keeping on! Along with persistence you will need to make sure your partner has patience because it will usually take about a year before the awesome growth will kick in. This is part of your solid foundation you do not want to overlook.
It is a sad statistic; most network marketers fail and it is often traceable to the fact they did not exhibit enough persistence and patients to continue constantly promoting their business for the year or so that is required for success. Make sure through a close Relationship with your organization they realize those who stick with it for a year or more often end up becoming the proverbial heavy hitters. Keep relationships moving by becoming a leader who cares. Be a leader who reads and shares small new tid-bits to improve your team. Be a leader who isn’t afraid to communicate. Be persistent, remember to be patient with your new-bees, but keep them moving, helping them to build relationships with new contacts. Not only will their network marketing business become a success, but the spillover will help your organization also. I encourage you to keep Relationships at the forefront of your network marketing business.
To your Network Marketing Success.
Deana Miller
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Relationship with someone implies that you care and appreciate them. Since Network Marketing is a people business, it makes sense to show that you care and appreciate them by getting to know them and by keeping in contact with them.
Thanks for the wise words.
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