Network Marketing e-book of tips
What is imprinting?
Definite thoughts and pictures we want to take place in our lives. This is also known as affirmation. To make the sub conscious mind accept our new visual images we need to imprint our dreams and goals.
1. Affirm our goals - write out your affirmation in a simple statement. By writing them out you deliberately program it into your subconscious and a visual end results.
2. Picture the end Result - Pictures yourself accomplishing the dream. You must be in the dream. This is called “virtual reality” meaning simply replace an old image with a new one. Then you can move toward that goal.
3. Feel the Emotion - The more emotion you can put behind a goal, the quicker it will come to pass. Feeling and emotion are what is needed to impact your pictures. The more you picture the finished goals, the more you visualize the pictures with emotion, the sooner the goals will be reached. The three work together. Persistence is visualization of these goals and is critical, it will be installed in the brain a consistent thought.
You must firmly believe in your goal since your consistent thoughts become reality. Affirmations are the key to changing your reality. Affirmations have gotten each of us where we are today. Depending on how much you create desire, either allows you to reach your goal or keep you from it.
Existing thoughts and beliefs are not easily removed and replaces by new ones. But once you have persisted and consistently replaced the old thoughts, the new one are just as obstinate as the previous. When you write down your goals, do our “self talk” at least twice a day this is the key to making sure you new affirmations are what we truly want.
To affirm and establish these new thought in your sub conscious mind let me give you an example. Which one is more positive.
Say to yourself “I earn $100,000 a year”
Now say “I choose to easily and consistently earn $100,000 per year.”
The word “choose” puts control in your statement. You own it. Now set down and write some other harmonious and thoughtful lines. Maybe you want a car, a new house, an education, or better family life. Feel the emotion of your words.
1. New habits must be put in the present tense because you are replacing old habits and idea.
2. Always affirm what you want, not what you don’t want. You never try to remove but replace with visualizing the old gone. It’s very important to make your WANT an improvement.
3. You must be specific. Again make it “I choose” and make your goal specific. “I choose $100,000 a year” not “I choose financial success.”
4. You must trigger feeling and emotion. Put as much excitement as you can into your affirmations. Make it positive.
5. Focus on the best possible outcome. Here again be specific. Don’t just say I want a new apartment.” You might get a new apartment that is very small and uncomfortable.
6. Make a positive statement. Do not use words like
No - Not - Never - Don’t - Try - Maybe
Example: “I choose to get rid of my headache.” (Negative)
“I choose to have my head feel calm and relaxed.” (Positive)
7. Affirmation must be personal. We cannot have a desire for someone else. It can only be for us. However, I can affirm a change in me that may affect a change in someone else.
8. You cannot make comparisons. The only person you want to compete with is yourself.
9. Affirmations must be believable. If you try to affirm something you cannot accept, you place unrealistic demands on your performance reality which causes stress and anxiety. The key is BALANCE. Plan your affirmations so that you grow in all areas of your life.
10. Keep your goals to yourself. Only reveal them to people who are like minded. Be in a group, a down line with people who want the same things you do.
Why do you need affirmations? It will keep you aware of where your priorities are whether they are in business or in your personal life. To be a great leader you need to use these techniques to keep your organization growing and thing will run smoothly.
Remember the word “choose?” Look at these statements or positive affirmations.
“I choose to believe there is a Power working thru me to manifest good in my life.’
“I choose to love myself unconditionally, no matter how many mistakes I make.”
"I choose to enjoy my life, my profession and my relationship with people.”
“I choose to make my affirmations regularly, each and every day, twice a day”
If you really want these changes in your life, take these techniques of implanting. You can make the exact changes in your life you desire in a relaxed and controlled manner.
To you Networking Success Journey
Deana Miller
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Thanks for the article. What is so wonderful about being human is we have a choice. We get to choose what we believe and if we find out it is a lie we can change our mind and choose a different path.
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