MLM Secrets - Integrity

In network marketing there is one attribute above all others that will lend its self to making your organization grow, and that is integrity.
~You can’t touch it, you can’t see it, it does not have a price on it, but without integrity in our lives, in our work and in our hearts we have missed the mark personally as well as within our organization~.
So what does integrity mean? Webster says it is the quality or state of being complete; unbroken condition; wholeness; entirety. It is being unimpaired; perfect condition; soundness; being of sound moral principle, upright, honest and sincere.
How can you "with integrity" within the MLM industry, honestly and sincerely promise a prospective person that they will be rich within a month? You may tell them they will make $5000 per month when you have not done so yourself. But because you belong to a front-loading company you need the money, so you sell your prospect a dream that in reality will never happen. It cannot be duplicated and you know it.
The person "buys" into your story, they pay the money and one month later they are gone. Everyone wants to be able to have their dreams come true, but with this sales technique you have not shown integrity. The person goes away from your company broken in spirit, resentful and has nothing to say but bad things about your company.
Then we send people to web sites. What do they see, more hype. Promises of making thousands of dollars a month. Maybe this company has a small joining fee. So you think its O.K and buy into it. Two weeks later your sponsor calls you and wants to know how many people you have signed up under you. None. They get pushed out of shape. When you ask for help, they can’t help you. They have no skills either.
Wouldn’t it feel great to be greeted on the phone by a sponsor who knows that marketing is hard work? You need to learn skills. These skills should actually be learned before you step out and commit to a company. You should know what kind of company you want to join like a 5 Pillar company. You want a sponsor who is willing to reach down and help you know about the organization and what is required of you.
If you have the skills to begin with you will not have to stop and learn before you start to work. You can join a company with a proven compensation plan, honest policy’s and procedures and hit the ground running. A company of integrity whose leaders know what it is like to be a "beginner" are willing to give you all the breaks they can.
Wouldn’t you rather be able to tell you new person about making $200 per month honestly then telling a hyped up lie about making $5000? To be a success in your organization you want to lead by example.
By being honest and sincere and forming relationships with your new recruit you have established the priceless commodity of integrity. This will give you a team who is motivated and dedicated to you and to the company. These are the people that will make your organization grow on a solid foundation. Oh yes, it is slower, but why does a person want to build only to have to rebuild again and again? Why not build it once, build it big so that it will last your children’s children?
By being a leader with integrity you will have inspired you team and will empower them to build their team to keep the success going. If you have integrity you will remember that you downline is the bloodline of your organization. It is the power of your company.
Bottom line: Why waste you time with all the hype? Develop integrity and honesty and willing to be a mentor to your people and you will achieve success. Most of all it will make your network marketing journey a success and will reward you richly in the future.
Put integrity into your MLM organization and watch it grow! See you on top!
May Success be yours,
Deana Miller
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