MLM Secrets - Leadership skill - Energy to Build

In MLM it is no secret most people join a company because they think they are going to get rich quick. There are however, some factors that play into a mind set that will possibly destroy a person unless they are prepared. Each of us has been given the ability to be wealthy. Our basic nature is to grow, to move forward, to increase and create more. There is a phrase that goes “The rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.” Why?
How we think controls what we become. Think on that statement. Where do you place your energy? Are you always thinking about what you don’t have versus what you already have? Did you know your sub-conscious mind can only react to the information that you program it with? If you program your mind constantly with how poor you are and you will never have enough money to get by, it will happen. What ever you program into your sub-conscious mind is where your energy flows. People who want to expand and choose to make their lives better financially will do so, because they know they can.
Want to get rid of the poverty mind set? Start by cleaning from your mind all negativity, all pre-conceived ideas which do not serve you, then fill the empty void with everything positive.
How do we fill our minds with positive thoughts?
• We need to clean out the old ideas, beliefs and concepts that are holding us
from experiencing wealth.
• Second, we need affirmation. We need to tell ourselves “I deserve wealth.” I
want to know how to get rich. I want my income to be more then my outflow. I want to be rich in consciousness as well as money. We need to choose to know how to be rich. We need to choose to accept the money which is flowing into our lives right now.
• Third, create in our imagination a picture of the way we want our lives to be.
What we need to remember is that the law of the mind is totally trustworthy and will never let us down. This MLM secret is one many people never notice or do not perceive. They are to busy thinking about what they can get.
We are like children we want to “get”. Only those who know they already have will receive more. Getting comes from fear. It is important for us to change the “get” complex to the “I have” and the “I am “consciousness. Develop the attitude of gratitude. This is one of the most powerful secrets of adding riches to our lives. Be thankful for what you have now, and watch it grow.
When you are cleaning up the sub-conscious mind and filling the void with things that work for you, energy will begin to form. You will discover the more you give, the more you will receive. So, start giving. Give away the very thing you want to gain and watch it come back to you again and again..
You must expand, if you don’t do the choosing for expansion, life will choose for you and it may not be the choice you want. People who know they are the master of their lives including their finances do not live in fear. They create their lives; they grow and keep moving forward.
There is a fact you might be interested in, take all the money away from a person who is a millionaire – one who has the consciousness of a millionaire – and within a short time he or she will be a millionaire again. Riches start with the mind, not you pocketbook, band account or investments. They have money because they are already rich in consciousness.
How much money do you want? Remember, your subconscious only understands specific commands. You deserve to be rich. Program you mind with an amount far exceeding what you actually want. Then make a nice little sign with big enough letter that you will notice it. Hang it on the refrigerator, or the wall of your office and look at it everyday. Say to yourself, “I deserve to be wealthy.” Say it with conviction; believe it.
Picture it in your mind, plant the seed firmly in your sub-conscious mind.
Poverty is a sickness, the cure is abundance. Keep this MLM secret with you always. Replace the negative with positive and you will be taking your organization to the top!
May success be yours.
Deana Miller
The MLM Lady
Don’t let this MLM secret stay a secret. Share it. The more you share it the more good will return to you. Life supports expansion, no limitations. Challenge the concept
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