MLM Success Secrets - 30 day Mental Cleanse

I woke up this morning and hit the floor running! Wow! Another day! Another day to learn more fun secrets about network marketing and how to make it a success. Every day I learn a little more about the fun world of MLM and am amazed when I talk to people on the phone that are not making it. As I listen to them talk I understand why it is a struggle for them to reach out. Want some answers? Good.
For years we have had a saying “Put on a happy face”. Remember? Oh, this is so infectious, even when you are talking on the phone. Happiness is catching and when you are talking to a prospect you need to spill over this attitude. They will feel it in your voice. It vibrates across the lines as if it were a living thing. And it is!
Why is happiness so important? Because it starts with your attitude, it is this inner peace a person has that comes from the depth of your soul. We usually feel happy when we are free of worry and fears. There is a bad word. Fear. When we consciously are aware of fears in our lives and we let them possess us, we are letting go of our control over fear. When we face our fears and realize much of it comes of what we don’t know we can get a handle on them. Take the worse case scenario. Then take control and alter any part of that fear as best you can. We as humans want to win, we have desires and dreams and when we focus on these positive attitudes, sometimes the fear situation fades away. It takes care of itself. When you have inner peace with yourself through meditation, your mind becomes a peaceful place. Make it a habit to think positive.
Some of the ways we can start making happiness a daily attribute is;
· Change you outlook. When fear comes, quickly replace it with your perfect
day. This is a place in your mind that only you can go to. Even if it is imaginary, for you it is pleasant, it is serene, it is peaceful. Block out the negative. If you cultivate a habit of not focusing on fear, you will soon learn to instantly be able to react in a positive way. Those around you will feel your confidence, your enthusiasm and want to be around you.
· Instead of thinking about the problem, think of solving those problems.
· The T.V. and radio play a huge part of our lives. How about going on a 30 day Mental Cleanse. Shut off the T.V, forget the newspaper, and turn off the radio. What do you hear? Wow! Silence! How long has it been since you have been in the world of Silence? Kind of cool! You will discover you can think, you can actually become focused, honed in, zeroed in. The solutions that have been evading you will surface easily.
· Every day devote some special time just for you. Thirty minutes, and hour is even better because you can go into you mind and think. How long has it been since you have been in a quite place, just you, yourself and listened to the ocean, or a breeze whispering through the trees, or stopped to smell the flowers, or picked up a kitten and looked into its eyes. Guys, this is heavy stuff. You need it too.
Everyday do something that makes you feel good. It does not have to be something big, something small, but significant to you. Buy a new book, a motivational book or tape, have an ice cream cone (only one). Each day do something for someone else. It can be a kind word, a smile, a hearty handshake. Let people know “I care”. With happiness bubbling over, you have just become a leader. A leader? Yes! People will want to be with you. They don’t care about the company you are with as long as they can be with positive, happy people, who are going places. They want to go where you are going, because you have given them a dream, a little light at the end of the tunnel that says “I can do this too!”
Always expect the best. Expect happiness. Smile. Walk down the street and smile at someone you do not know. Oh boy, the look on their face; it’s priceless!
I know what you are thinking, what does this have to do with network marketing. Everything, my friend! Everything. Take a look at some of the top leaders of companies. Oh sure, you will find the obnoxious reds, the bullies, the money hungry people out there. But take another look and you will see a “team” who together is working toward a goal and they are gaining, they are winning because happiness is a permanent attitude with them. They have nasty days. They have the down side of network marketing, but you would never know it. With persistence they move forward. Always, they move forward. Always they emanate happiness.
So, try the 30 Mental Cleanse. Try it for 2 days. Try it for 5 days. Then go 10 and before you know it you will have gone 30 days. Once you have done this for 30 days you will know a peace that passes understanding. Everything in your life begins to focus. You see the big picture. Now you will have created not only an attitude but a burning desire. It will overwhelm you. Let happiness, inner peace and yes, love, take your network marketing to the next level of success.
See you on top!
Here is to your success.
Deana Miller
The MLM Lady
P.S. Want more information on the 30 Day Mental Cleanse
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