More people today are viewing network marketing because of they realize that in a few years they may not have the job security they need to survive. If you are one of those interested people, let me share with you some secrets about the MLM industry that will make choosing a company much easier. I have listed below some of positive things about network marketing.
NO BOSS: You plan your workday. You monitor yourself. You discipline yourself and you learn to set priorities.
NO INCOME CEILING: The more time and effort and skills you acquire the larger your income will grow
SELF SATISFACTION: You create your own organization. You get the credit.
WORK WITH PEOPLE LIKE YOURSELF: You will not have to work with difficult people. There will be no office policies.
FLEXIBILITY: You work the hours that are best for you; that will fit best for your family. If you work best from 2 a.m until 5 a.m, you’re free to do so.
NO COMMUTING: Save time, money and fuel.
NO OFFICE EXPENSES: You will not have to pay for office space. A room in your own home can be set apart legally, and claimed as your office.
SECURITY: No layoffs. No downsizing.
TAX DEDUCTIONS: Your home office (room), car expense, medical insurance, phone, entertainment, travel, education and etc.
BETTER RETIREMENT PLAN: SEP, IRA’s and Keoghs let you deduct a higher percent of business profit than your 401K.
Other great benefits of a home centered business opportunity is;
LOW START-UP COST: You can probably get everything you need to start, including leads to follow up with, for less than $300. Most businesses take thousands of dollars in start-up capital.
NO EXPENSIVE TRAINING: We have a team of people who will mentor you for free. This is what we like to do. Help people work into network marketing with skills.
NO ADMINISTRATION HASSLES: You are self employed, but you’re a rep for an established company which handles all the product selection, research and development, shipping, warehousing, etc.
KEEP YOUR REGULAR JOB until your "part-time" income is high enough to replace it.
NO EXPENSIVE TOOLS NECESSARY: You need a phone. A computer is helpful. But your most critical tool is people skills, and we teach you those FREE!
RESIDUAL INCOME: Nothing is more important to your financial future then the residual income concept. You not only will profit from the volume of your product, but will be paid for sponsoring a new recruit. AN MLM HOME BASED BUSINESS PAYS INTO THE FUTURE FOR WORK YOU DID IN THE PAST. AS YOU HELP YOUR PEOPLE BUILD THEIR OWN ORGANIZATIONS, YOUR INCOME GROWS.
So to be successful faster, align yourself with a group that provides a turnkey plan for the crucial elements of building your business.
Do you still want to be in the network marketing business? You have the secrets above. You won’t even have to pick and choose which ones, because if you learn the best skills possible, are cacheable, and are leader quality, you will build an organization that will pay your children’s children. Only you have the choice. The sky is the limit!
Deana Miller
The MLM Lady
Free Ebook for more help
Further Internet tips and Info
How To Retain Recruits In Network Marketing
Network Marketing Making Affirmations
Network Marketing And Relationships 101
Persistence in Network Marketing
Seven Core Values to Success
Network Marketing Income
Network Marketing Compensation Plans
Nework Marketing Building Momentum
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