Prospecting Effectively for Network Marketing Success

Finding prospects who have the same philosophy of life, similar vision and desires as you can increase your effectiveness for Network Marketing Success. The secret in prospecting is not in convincing people, but in sorting people. You can save a lot of time by qualifying your prospects. And by being selective you can eliminate heartaches and frustration.
First let's take a look at what qualities a prospect must have to be a Network Marketer. Intelligence? A MBA degree from Harvard University? An outstanding salesperson? How about a person with a positive attitude? NO.
Your prospect really only needs two important qualities. Desire and Time Commitment.
Desire: Please do not confuse desire with need. Your prospect may need an extra paycheck, time freedom or a better quality of life. But unless they desire to get out and do something about it you will be spending endless hours reprogram needy people. People who have a desire to change their lives will be looking for ways to improve themselves and their lifestyle.
Time Commitment: Everyone is given 24 hour each day. What you are looking for in prospecting is someone who will set aside x amount of time every week to work the Network Marketing business. Perhaps this means your prospect will have to eliminate watching their favorite television show or sports game in order to build their business. It is a commitment but they will reap the rewards later.
So now that we know the qualities of the right prospect, it's easy to find out if they qualify by asking them two questions.
'Do you want to earn some extra money?'
'Are you willing to set aside 6-10 hours( or what ever it takes) per week?'
Then just listen to their answers to determine if they qualify.
The quality of your business reflects the quality of your questions asked. The magic is not in the question but in their answer. Pay close attention to what your prospect says and how your prospect says it. It will give you clues if your prospect has the desire and is willing to make a time commitment. Prospecting is about them not you. It is when the prospect is looking for what you have to offer that they become a prospect.
Learning what to look for in a business partner can increase your Network Marketing success. Building a team of people who have a desire and have made a commitment to spend x amount of time building their business will strength your team. This way you do not have to keep building your down line over and over and over again.
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