Network Marketing is a people business. It is relating to many different behavioral patterns of people. There have been studies on personalities. Some extensive. Today we have an up to date technique presented in the form of colors. There are four different colors which represent the four different personalities of everyone in the world. We are all colors, but each of us has one dominant color. Knowing these colors will give us an advantage when interviewing someone for a position within our organization. We will know how to communicate with them easily.
Take for example, you cannot talk to a BLUE about facts and figures. They will walk away. A GREEN on the other hand wants all the facts and figures you can give them. They love it. With a YELLOW you do not talk about money, but team work and relationships. The RED wants nothing to do with anything except money.
The ability to learn about Color to Success is not difficult. It is however, one of the most important skills in all of network marketing. You will learn to listen to someone when they are talking. Within a couple sentences you should have their color. With the C.D it will help you understand why a red personality is hard to work with. Learn why a yellow needs a certain compensation plan or you will lose them. Learn what makes a blue one of your best sales people. The green will keep your company organized. But don’t let them dodle. They will analyze all aspects of the company again and again and again.
Learn what makes your team the strongest. Doesn’t it make sense to give to your organization a proven technique? As a Color Profiler you can walk into a room of people and be able to say…”there is a yellow standing by the punch bowl” and “over there by the projector is a green” or “look at the wild outfit the loud blue has on” and the Red….has on the latest, most expensive outfit and is standing with a small group of well dressed people, all talking about money. Then walk up to any one of them and start a conversation knowing exactly how to approach them intelligently. Most people will marvel when you tell them they have a particular behavior pattern. Immediately you have their attention.
If you click on COLOR TO SUCCESS you will be able to find more information about the colors and become a successful Color Profiler. Your organization within Network Marketing will move ahead more rapidly. Then teach your whole organization how to us the color to success technique. Take your team to the top!
May success be yours,
Deana Miller
The MLM Lady
More great info on Colors
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