Network Marketing Success:PLEASE DON’T ASK TO JOIN MY TEAM if you don’t have a conscience!

What do I mean by that?
When I was doing Arbonne International as a business, we learned to do the “Puppy Dog” method. This entails buying the top of the line skin care product – 3 or 4 or more sets – to get them out into the field for testing. The theory is that once people tried it, they didn’t want to give it back and would purchase – just like people not wanting to give back a puppy. Unless, of course, you’re like me – I prefer cats and birds. Not together.
But in reality, those sets are too expensive for most people, so they’d be encouraged to join as a wholesale buyer to get the discount.
What behavior does this drive in the field? Recruit, recruit, recruit.
Would you really buy these products if there was not a business opportunity associated with it? Or alternatively, a wholesale opportunity?
Think about it. The discount is generally 35%. But if most people only buy as a wholesale buyer, for the basic consultant they would get only 4% on a wholesale buyer under them and nothing on their own orders. For the first step of management, now you would earn 8% on everyone under them down a certain level (won’t go into that here) and including their own orders. But you have to have a lot more people buying to make the money you’d make from a retail purchase. Of course, most people won’t pay retail.
Doesn’t that sound like a recruiting rather than a retailing behavior to you?
Anyway, back to my story. I tried the “Puppy Dog” on a young lady who wanted to do the business. She spent $1000 or so on 4 kits and I was ready to train her. But she was shy, didn’t know many people and I could never get her and her boyfriend to come to train. Eventually she changed her phone number and e-mail and I couldn’t reach her.
Deep in my heart I knew it was wrong to have recruited her this way. It is contrary to my personality and certainly to hers. She did have good product, and hopefully used it or sold it or something. But I still feel terrible about what I did and cannot do it again.
I had to switch to a company that pays 20% to 40% on retail products. That also means that the retail price is the same as the wholesale price. That sounds better than 4% to 8% to 14% (for the next higher Arbonne management level). You can make more money on fewer people. It also means that I can retail and it is not necessary to recruit. Most people don’t want to sign up – just get their product.
The upshot is I was never meant to recruit. Do people join me? Sure, if they want to get bonuses and get some extra income and be trained and plugged into a system that is proven and works. Most people just want to be customers. Not only is that okay with a company like mine, it’s encouraged – the idea is to sell product, not just to recruit.
The other benefit to being with a company like mine is that not only the retail customers tend to stay, but there is a higher retention rate for the business builders. What a concept! Retention.
You don’t even have to join me to get free training from Mentoring for Free. We say we’ll help anyone in any company for free if they want to stay where they are. We mean that. You great folks out there still have to work within the plan and policies of your company. We can’t change that. But we can teach you what to look for, or look out for, and we can teach skills.
Wishing you success, but also reminding you to please don’t ask to join to join my team if you don’t have a conscience,
Wendy Weber, The Singing Network Marketer
E-mail Wendy for network marketing or health coaching information
"Be a Mentor with a Servant's
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