Network Marketing Succss and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter Training

A lot!
Tom is the best-known, best-loved, and probably funniest network marketing trainer in the world. Just check out his schedule at his web site
Do you want to know the 1 minute presentation?
Do you want to know how to talk to people rejection free?
Do you want to train with the mentor who inspired Mentoring for Free?
Tom is training in Phoenix, AZ this Saturday, March 17, 2007 from 10:00 to 4:00. People drive in from 2 plus hours away to train with him.
Please tell people you know in the area. You and they can sign up through the web site. And why don't you let me know so that I can tell Tom you're coming. He'll then be on the lookout for you.
In fact, you can let me know for whichever training you are attending.
Wishing you network marketing success and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter training,
Wendy Weber, The Singing Network Marketer
602-404-1626 - Anytime
Skype - wendy.singingnetworkmarketer
"Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart"
E-mail Wendy for network marketing information
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