Network Marketing - Home Based Business Info

As I roam around in cyberspace doing research on different subjects for my network marketing business, I am amazed how fast home based business are catching on. This could be for many reasons. Gas is getting higher and traveling to work has become expensive. With day care costs going up because gas has gone up, because groceries now have to increase their prices, because shipping has gone up on everything; we seem to be at a catch-twenty situation. People who once scoffed at Network Marketing are now asking questions. They want answers.
Usually, people do not like the job they are working at. Either the boss is to bossy, or the fellow workers are jerks, or you want to better yourself. During the late night hours, when everyone in the house is asleep, we find ourselves sneaking to the computer room. There, with the lights out, we get the computer running, go to Google and do a work search on home based business opportunities to see what might be available.
Go ahead and look! But, do not stop your day job. If you think network marketing is a fast and big money game, forget it. Oh, there are 2-5% of those beginning with a internet business that make it big. These are the few that wallow through the ups and downs of network marketing and after their savings is gone and they have been beat to the ground, finally give up. But there are those who take the time to read good books about becoming wealthy, listen to informative speakers who already know about network marketing, taking the time to learn while they keep their day job. These are the those who get up in the morning, hit the ground running and make every second count. They want success. So, what is the primary agenda to making it a success?
First let me say up front, if you have any negative qualms about your dream, your goals, or the sacrifices that you will make along the way………don’t start in network marketing When you see the words Network Marketing, it is just that net – working, working, and working. Nothing is free and easy. You do not make it overnight. You need skills. You need time to practice these skills. You need confidence, a happy countenance, integrity, credibility and patients. Oh boy, heavy on the patients! You can have enthusiasm until the cows come home, but without action you will go no place. Again, the bottom line, learn the skills first while you have your day job. Take a look at some of the following reasons for starting a home business. Then ask yourself if they apply to you.
• MONEY – we all want more money. Every penny counts today. So we want to join an organization that will make us a good amount of money up front and one that will pay us good residual on the back side. Don’t go out there and join something because you like it. Who knows, maybe 85% of the population doesn’t even want to know about what you are selling. So, pick a product that people are looking for.
• YOU ARE THE BOSS – that’s right! Do you have the skills to be a boss? Think seriously about this question. If you know nothing about organization, or being a leader, maybe you will want to simply sell the product and forget about having your own organization. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, it is work. Stop listening to the hype about making all this money over night. Be objective. Don’t start unless you are in for the long haul, because it will be a long haul.
• FREEDOM – You will see many article about the freedom you will have. I say yes to a point, but don’t count on the hyped up “freedom” many marketer’s will try to feed you. The freedom lies with the ability to stay home, but until you are established solidly within an organization, stay with your day job.
• JOB SECURITY - After the skills learned, after putting down a solid foundation to your organization, after 2-4 years of part-time to full time building the business; then you can say…”I have job security.”
• RETIREMENT - When we talk about retirement, we want to be able to have an income that is adequate for our needs. If you want a retirement that is great, then you need to build toward that end. You are the only one who knows what amount of money will satisfy you when you retire. Let that be your main goal, then work your butt off now to that end. Be relentless. Show your spouse what you plan on achieving. Maybe together, each working a different business, you can reach your goals sooner.
• KNOW THE 7 KEYS TO SUCCESS – You will want to learn about joining a company that has 5 Pillars. Learn to evaluate Compensation plans. After all don’t you want to know how you are going to get paid? You will also want to know the Color to Success You are saying…what? Oh yes, know how to read people, by listening and knowing their personality. Know how to Build the list without spending thousands of dollars buying worthless leads. Understand how to be a Color Profiler . Again knowing and understanding people by being able to walk into a room and without talking to anyone, know their personality by the clothes they wear, by the talk they talk and etc. Your Why must be huge. Learn to know why this is so important. Be a leader. People don’t join companies, they join people.
You might want to ask yourself is this all there is to marketing? No! But it is a start. Maybe you picked up some negative talk in this article. No, it is not negative, but reality. Get any good marketer in the corner, back them to the wall, and they will tell you the truth. If you can reread this article and ask yourself the question, do I have what it takes to start a home based business, and answer yes. Great! A home based business can be fun, exciting, and very stimulating! If you are ready to start, let’s go!
Deana Miller
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