Network Marketing Tips - It's about Duplication

There is one thing about Network Marketing that will lead you to failure and that is not knowing how to duplicate what you have learned. If you cannot teach, mentor and support your new recruits; if you think all you have to do is get them in the deal, you are wrong! You will be working until dooms day to have a successful team and have any residual income.
Some of the old adages to duplicate were, have in-home parties, or get 10 people to your house, serve them cookies and punch and have a conference call with one of the leaders in your company.
Another one was make a list of 100 family and friends. Then call them and say to them “You know George, you owe me a favor. I need one more recruit this month to make my quota. Sure like to have you help me out.” You think this is nonsense? Well, it is, but it actually happened to me in a former company. Even if you were lucky and had a friend who would do this for you, in a couple months the guy would say, “Hey, I don’t want to belong to this company. I don’t like being charged $39.95 each month for nothing.” So, your friend quits. And you get a charge back. Whoops! You already spent the money! I personally knew a fellow who had about $2500.00 of charge backs. I wonder what happened to him? Once you get behind on a situation like that, it is virtually impossible to catch up.
So, what do you do?
You need a plan, a step by step plan that is duplicateable. It should be easy to follow and one that anyone can teach. Most people when joining Network Marketing want a company they can work part time. One that they can learn skills and develop relationships. Network Marketing is a people business.
Keep in contact with your people; let them know you are there for them. The quicker you can teach them, the quicker they can be advancing toward their goals which in turn is going to help you. You need to be able to answer their questions. These actions will cement the relationship; build trust and confidence among your team members.
You need to be able to see the potential of a good team member. Spend extra time with those who are willing to go the extra mile and learn. Keep in contact with them every day until they can step out on their own. Make sure they always know you are there for them.
Teach them how to build their list by writing articles, ezines, pay-per-clicks or newspaper ads. Discourage them from buying leads. Most of the people on these lists have simply filled out a form which if they complete will let them enter for a $10,000 jack pot or a new computer or whatever. They have no intention of joining Network Marketing. When you call them they usually don’t even remember filling out a survey. Not very many folks have had any luck with them unless you can buy 30-40,000 and run them through an auto-sponder.
Teach them to test the market. There is lots of free ways to advertise on the internet. Teach your recruit to not spend lots of money in the beginning, but try their wings a little bit in different types of advertising... Write articles; get the feel of bidding on pay-per-clicks. Help them learn how to have their articles proof-read so they can post a press release.
Help them learn how to do a great headline. Learn how to use overture and do a word search which will get articles higher on the search engines. Learn how to make articles have good content and utilization of words.
Learn duplication, make notes so you can pass on to your recruits the same information you are learning to have a successful organization in Network Marketing. Take them to the top with you. You will be glad you took the time to learn duplication.
To you Success,
Deana Miller
Let our team help you.
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