MLM Business...Love at First Sight!

Yes, when I started in my first MLM business, it was love at first sight! There was the typical excitement. I LOVED the products, LOVED the thought of all that money, LOVED the excitement and LOVED being able to do it part time at home. I’m a stay at home Mom.
Sign me up!
So, I joined! I paid a lot of money so people could try the products out for themselves. Hey, I was gonna be making big bucks, what’s a couple thousand in start up costs…right?! Wouldn’t recommend it now! Went to all the local meetings, got on all the conference calls, attended all the seminars within 4 hours, and talked and talked and talked to all the people I knew and met (luckily it’s not my nature to be pushy, so they’re still my friends!) and guess where it got me? You probably already know, maybe it’s happening to you,…Nowhere! My first MLM love was becoming tarnished!
Frustrated, upset, confused
These were the first signs my love for my MLM business was diminishing! Hey, I wasn’t a loser! How come all these other people in my company could do it and I couldn’t? Although, looking around at the team I was on nobody else was doing it either, guess that was a clue!
Looking for answers
One day I was searching the internet looking for something, anything, to help me build my business and resurrect my first MLM love! That’s when I found my knight in shining armor! The MLM business ebook, Successs in 10 steps and realized the company I was with wasn’t the right fit for me.
Shock and Awe
Now, at first, I was stunned. I thought ,how could that be? These products are great, other people are making it, maybe, I should just stick with it and work harder. Although, I didn’t know how much harder I could work, I was already doing more that everyone else I knew, plus I was only “part-time”!
Soon after I was driving down the road and had an epiphany. Maybe, if you’re in the same boat as I was, this will help. I realized I was going through a kind of “break-up”, with my first MLM love! At the beginning everything was so wonderful and I was going to the top, unfortunately, I had not educated myself beforehand on what was important to look for in a MLM. So I went blindly along, figuring if it’s good for one it’s good for all.
Learn and grow
I learned that isn’t the case. So just like learning after your first break-up, what you want/need and don’t want/need in a relationship, the same thing applies to your MLM business. Everyone is different and all MLM businesses are not the same for all people. So I encourage you, if you are experiencing loss of love for your MLM all is not lost! Download the free Success in 10 steps ebook for some awesome answers!
Hope this helps!
Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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