MLM Success - What causes lack of motivation?

Motivation is highly overrated as the ALL important ingredient for MLM success. Yet an unmotivated person will not make out of first base.
Just as motivation is part of the equation so are skills training.
Let me explain.
Maybe you were motivated at one time but in time your enthusiasm faded.
One reason maybe because you are not getting the results you desire for MLM success.
Do you think you would be motivated when you sponsor 5 new people every week?
Do you think you would be motivated when you reach into your mailbox and find a paycheck from your MLM Company?
Why is growth not happening within your MLM organization? Where is the MLM success you once dream of?
Maybe the problem “lack of motivation" is actually an issue of developing skills.
Let me illustrate with a scenario:
You are sitting calmly in your sit as the 747 gracefully flies through the air. The pilot unexpectedly passes out and everyone on board voted you, yes you to handle the situation.
You are in charge of flying the plane!
This is a challenge because you never flow a plane before.
You can set goals.
You can have a biggest WHY in the world.
You can tell yourself I will land the plane safely.
Your motivation is high because you don't want to die.
And you even have an attitude of gratitude!
But what is going to happen when touch down time comes?
You are going to crash unless you learn the skills of flying.
In Network Marketing, you will need skills such as;
*Communication skills- how to talk with people effectively. It's about being polite and allowing others to make-up their mind.
*Listening skills- know when the appropriate time to bring up your opportunity and when to keep silent.
*Marketing Skills-how to market your product, how to generate targeted leads.
And than when you get leads, skills on what to say to break the ice.
Here's an interview with Tom Paredes on phone techniques. Go to MLM sponsoring tips and get your free “Telephone Techniques that Work” interview.
Marrying motivation and skills together will strength the cord to MLM success.
All the best,
A mentor with a servant’s heart.
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