Network Marketing Insider Secret - Herbalife

After two failed adventures in Network Marketing I was ready to quit. But one day I read an ad that said to send in $39.95 and learn about this fabulous company and how to receive true residual income. So I paid the $39.95. Mistake number one.
I got the info. No company name or what was being promoted was ever mentioned. From a few words I was able to detect, it could be a nutritional company. Couple of days after I got this so called information I got a call from a nice lady. She kept saying things like “What do you think?” Then she would tell me how much money I could make and how much fun I would have. “Do you think you could work for this company?” I had asked her two or three times what the name of the company was and what did it sell. She would change the subject, like it was some great secret. Finally, in exasperation I told her if she did not tell me the name of the company and what they sold I was going to hang up. Only then did she tell me very reluctantly that it was Herbalife. I never did get why the $39.95 material was required before you talked to someone. Even after I got off the phone with this lady, I had a bad feeling that something was not right. The $39.95 really got me. What did this material have to do with network marketing? It was very generic.
A couple days later Sally’s (not her real name) got her Red guru Space Star Commander Sponsor on the phone with me. For about three minutes or so this guy goes on and on about this great company and what an opportunity I was being given. Then he told me it would cost me $4000 to get in on the fast lane. It would also cost about $1500 for product and about $1500 for top of the line advertising. I sat at my kitchen table with my mouth hanging open and shaking my head NO! He had the gall to ask me which credit card I would like to use. I thought, for $7000, not mine! I told him that particular plan left me out. He went to the next level and I said I couldn’t do that one either. Finally we got to the bottom entry level. I told him it would have to be very bottom, lower then the lowest entry level. There was a pause and in a very exasperated voice told my sponsor to sign me up and give me the no cost and the cheapest advertising sites. He hung up!
Next red flag was everyone was reluctant to tell me what the ingredients in the products. What were the fillers and so on. I don’t think anyone really knew. I began to see this was a recruit, recruit, recruit company. That’s where the money was.
I asked for guidance in advertising. I knew nothing but I was willing to learn. I asked for it again and again. Finally, one day my sponsor called and told me in no uncertain terms she was not a baby sitter, and that they would not help me learn about advertising, but I could join her advertising wheel for $550 a month. Then she proceeded to tell me this was not going to be a friendship between us, this was strictly business. No skills were ever given to me. No nothing about advertising or writing blogs, ezines or Web pages. Nothing! If I couldn’t learn it on my own, oh well!
I learned the compensation plan is a STAIRSTEP BREAKAWAY. You can only build so deep on each leg then it is breaks away from you. This is a ruthless compensation plan. You constantly are working to build a good pay check.
Not only do you have the stair step breakaway compensation plan, but again it is a huge front loading company. If you think you want to deal with those two issues then go ahead. But since I have been out of this company and in another MLM business that thinks of its distributors as their lifeline, you would be surprise at how many people I get as leads who are unhappy with Herbalife and are not making it. Does it really take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out, how do you compensate for the front loading? How long to recoup your expense? Did you know the average success in MLM is only two and half recruits? With this in mind, how can you ever make enough profit to get back your huge upfront monies?
Do I detest Herbalife? No! Not one bit. But there are other companies out there who have much better compensation plans. And by the way, if a company will not post its entire compensation plan on line, so that anyone can read it before you join….RUN, RUN, RUN! Oh yes, and the $39.95, to anyone who pays even one cent without knowing what you are paying for deserves to be ripped off! It happened to me!
The best thing the company ever did for me was give me the FREE ADVERTISING!!
Yep! One day a sweet lady from Canada called me and wanted to know how I was doing in network marketing company. Of course I told her I was doing nothing. We talked and chatted and she offered me a free ebook. Wow! This was so different; she offered me something for free. Hey, free sounded might good and I began to learn a better way to build a business. Why keep recruiting only to have them quit after three weeks or so? Why not build it once with a solid foundation?
Through the Mentoring program she offered for free, I am becoming a leader with integrity and confidence because I am being taught a better way to do network marketing. I am learning the right way to get LEADS. I am learning how to form relationships with these people and teach them to duplicate what I have learned. In my company people who are looking for my business come to me. I have been taught the skills of network marketing and am learning to build with little up-front money. Am a making my first million? No, but I am closer to it now then I was with Herbalife.
I want my network marketing adventure to be fun. I don’t want any gotcha’s in my P&P’s. I want a comp plan that works for me. I want to build my dream in business that will be there for my children’s children and I want to help others build theirs right along side of me. Want to join me at the top?
May Success be yours,
Deana Miller
Networking info
Other articles by Deana
How To Retain Recruits In Network Marketing
Network Marketing Making Affirmations
Network Marketing And Relationships 101
Persistence in Network Marketing
Seven Core Values to Success
Network Marketing Income
Network Marketing Compensation Plans
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