Home Based Business - Stressed, Anxious, Worried?

Everywhere you turn it seems people are interested in a home based business, one which will help them alleviate the stress, anxiety and worry. But is this the answer? For those who are in network marketing it is the answer, but not one hundred percent a solution. Some take the job job stresses and bring them over to their home based businesses.
No matter what we do in life there are things to “worry” about. But one thing is very clear, if we face them with clarity of mind that is free from negative anticipation, we have infinitely more wisdom and energy to handle the situation.
When you are worried and filled with anxiety, ask yourself if it is constructive. Is this problem telling me something that needs to be changed? Or are we dealing with it out of fear? Maybe fear of loss? Fear of abandonment or rejection, even failure? It cannot exist unless you give it power and give it life.
Worry is a habit that we’ve picked up through imitation. Worry is a choice! Read that again. Worry is a choice. Worry comes from a belief that you are powerless. But the truth is you are never powerless unless you think you are.
Instead of worrying why not look for a solution. Don’t share your problems with others. You dilute the intensity of the problem by spreading it around and you dilute you power and understanding to remove it. The solution will reveal itself if you stay with it.
Do not try to use your memory or past experiences to solve problems. Why? When you try to use what you already know to solve a problem you are using the same logic and reasoning to solve the problem that created the problem in the first place!
Don’t force a solution. A lot of solutions will be revealed to you. We should practice quiet refusal to accept agitation and confusion as a norm.
We cannot change people. They have a right to be who they are. We can, however, change the way in which we relate to them. When something happens that affects you, don’t play the blame game. When you do this you give up your power to change.
We need to have self acceptance. This only comes from knowing who we are. And when we know who we are, we can create anything we want. What we are open to is open to us. No one can keep our good from us. Others may stop us temporarily, but only we can do it permanently.
Look out for the NIOP’s. These are people who adhere to the Negative Influence of Other People. They are dying to occupy a little corner of your mind.
Learn to look at the positive side of every situation. No matter what is going on in your life there is a positive side. When you get out of bed in the morning, choose to look at everything from a new perspective. It’s a new day. What you have done in the past has nothing to do with what you would like to do in the present. Yesterday’s opportunity is gone, now we have a clean slate. Keep your focus on the ultimate goals that you have. Only you know what you want.
So take today and live in the present. The most serious and self destructive behavior pattern that a person can have is not thinking for themselves. Learn to challenge everything. Never doubt your wants. No one cares but you. Just remember nothing or no one can stop you from creating the life that you want. It is the who and what that stops us in ourselves and our own limited beliefs. Make a decision right now that you are open, responsive and receptive to new ideas and beliefs that will support you in getting where you want to go and that you are willing to give up anything that limits you on your journey.
You want a great home based business, and then take out the stress, anxiety and worry. Make solid choices then go for it. Take your business to the top!
May Success be yours,
Deana Miller
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