Network Marketing - Panning for Prospects

Prospecting in Network Marketing is like panning for gold. There are some simple rules that must be followed.
You need to have a map to tell you where the most likely place to “pan” and get possible results. You will need instructions. There is a knack to panning. Then there is the right equipment such as a riffled gold pan, tweezers, a spray bottle, sluice box, a bottle of dish washing soap, a snuffle bottle and other little personal things.
The right methods are extremely important. If you do not follow the directions you may be washing the gold out with the dross. As you swish the sand and gravel and gold in the pan by gradually bringing the larger rock to the surface, the gold will settle to the bottom. When you have finished the time consuming process, there on the bottom will be little bits and pieces of the precious yellow prize. Carefully you remove the pieces with tweezers and place them in a container.
Prospecting in Network Marketing is similar. We equip ourselves with the right tools and the right skills. These are our maps and instructions.
Once a lead is obtained we need to slow down and remember not everyone we speak to is a good candidate. Somewhere along the line we have this preconceived idea we need to “get everyone” in our deal. We want to close them and be on our way to the next person. It is not about convincing them, but being able to do a good screening process and ending up with a qualified prospect.
They need a desire, and overwhelming desire. But the desire needs to be followed by action. Network Marketing is work. You need to know if the prospect is seriously committed to spending a certain amount of time each week to learning the skills in setting up their organization. . Mentor them, encourage them, but do not do the work for them. The first seventy-two hours is crucial.
We need to know that they have a huge WHY. They need to have a dream that is an overwhelming obsession. They need solid reasons to be in Network Marketing. When their dream is like dynamite for them and they almost explode with desire to reach their goal, you realize they are serious. One of the screening processes is making sure they are teachable.
As leaders it is our job to be very selective and when we find that dynamic, teachable, obsessed “gold nugget” we will know why we are in MLM. Prospecting in Network Marketing will become an exciting experience just like prospecting for yellow gold!
May you have success,
Deana Miller
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