Network marketing tip: Persuade not manipulate

Today network marketing tip is very crucial you get it from your mind to your heart.
I was recently in the Big Seminar in Los Angeles where I met Dave Lakhani. (The Seminar was a big rip off but I met some great people though)
I bought Dave Lakhani book “Persuasion the art of getting what you want” to see how it apply to network marketing. Man, it is a good book! The first 3 pages in chapter 1 has already impressed me.
In your network marketing business, there are two ways:
You can manipulate people to get them into your deal but they will disappear soon after.
You can persuade people to join you as a business partner and stay with you forever.
Obviously, if you are looking for recurring residual income, if you are looking to help people then you need to get to understand persuasion v/s manipulation.
Manipulation is basically the advertisement you see on TV. They manipulate you; they mess up with your mind until you buy. After you buy and receive the product, you discover that it is not what they promised you and you commit yourself of never buying from TV again. Does this seem familiar amigo?
At least that what happened to me and I believe it happened to all of us.
Would you like to manipulate or persuade your prospects for your network marketing company?
I am going to give you the four tactics in manipulating. Hopefully, you learn them to resist being manipulated instead of manipulating people. As I mentioned before, this network marketing tip is to help you grow a lasting business not a short lived one. No Cocaine here, ok.
A persuader uses these 4 tactics:
-they look for a hungry victim (you)
-they put deadlines (Call in the next 30 minute to get your discount…)
-they use fear of loss (Limited amount, hurry up…)
-they look like benevolent authority (I am the expert; I want to help you…)
Basically, they create “the urgency to buy”
A persuader in network marketing using purely direct marketing tactics succeeds in getting his bank account filled under the expenses of other people. A persuader is a vampire sucking other people’s blood.
A persuader doesn’t care what you think after you join, he got your money already.
These are exactly the tactics of recent network marketing training scams such as ... I am not going to piss anyone today, I will skip names.
In your network marketing business, you want to persuade people, so after they join, they feel even better and they stick forever. Are you looking for one night stand or a real long lasting marriage?
Our motto: build it once; build it to pay you a life time of income.
Stay posted, I will share with you my insight from the book as network marketing tips in future posts.
Sincerely yours,
Nabil Khoury, MD
Network marketing tips E-book
(712) 792-3222
Mentor with a Servant’s Heart
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