Gotta Plan?

In Network Marketing you have to have a plan. Remember when you started with a desire to do something better? The more you thought about it the more you wanted to spread your wings and go into the MLM business. You formed a plan. It begin to take on details and you knew you could do the business.
Some where along the line you deviated from your plan. You let others do the thinking for you. You joined a business you were not comfortable with because you had not finished your investigations of business plans. The Distributor made you feel or see his picture. It was not yours, but you thought you could make it work. It didn’t. What happened? You didn’t stick to your plan.
Remember when the dream was formed in your mind? You begin to form a great Plan. Did you know thoughts are things? They are powerful when they are mixed with definiteness and purpose, persistence, and a burning desire to turn them into riches or other material objects. Your mind becomes magnetized with the dominating thought which we hold in our minds. They are like “magnets” and attract us to focus, people and circumstances which will lead us onward to fulfilling our dream.
A Plan starts with a dream which if thought thru our subconscious mind enough becomes a burning Desire. When a person has this deep desire he is willing to stake his entire future on his dream. This kind of desire can mow down any opposition and bring the opportunity which you seek. If you create a PLAN from your dream with a solid purpose and not quit at the first temporary defeat you will dream will become a reality.
You do not have to have your dream completed in detail. Start with what you have in your plan. Then be aware of opportunities which will take you down the path toward your dream. Success comes to those who become success conscious. Only you can change your life. You have control of you. Be open minded. A human being can alter their lives by altering their minds. Our only limitations are those we place upon our own minds. Nothing is impossible to a person who backs desire with faith.
Step into your new world of Network Marketing with confidence. Have faith in your Plan. Include others in your life who are looking for the same thing. You can do it, because you are worth it. You have a right to your dream. Reach for the top!
The Best in Your Network Marketing Journey
Deana Miller
The MLM Lady
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