Network Marketing Success and Arbonne International - Behavior in the Field

Arbonne International is a stairstep-breakaway company. What does that mean? It means that in this compensation plan when someone you signed up promotes before you promote you lose a lot if not all of the volume they created and your pay goes down.
So what kind of behavior does that drive in the field? Does it promote an incentive for you to help your downline to succeed beyond their wildest dreams? Probably not, if your dreams are not furthered, unless you have extraordinary integrity.
Does this model promote an incentive for your upline to help you beyond your wildest dreams if it is not in their best interest?
I have heard through a reliable source from Arbonne, but cannot verify, that recently some people were terminated and a vice president’s check was held for a while because people in the organization were teaching others to change into a new upline using a fake name so that they would not promote out and their volume would still benefit the new upline.
Again, I cannot verify this. I do know that it happens in other companies. As far as I’m concerned this is a legitimate reason for people to be terminated – those who practiced this kind of behavior. Why would these distributors take this type of action? Because it’s so hard to make and maintain the volume business to keep the payouts. It's difficult to find people who will do the business - and you have to have separate legs to promote beyond the basic management level. The only reason the Arbonne distributors were caught, as I understand it, was due to computer system enhancements at Arbonne that allowed Arbonne to track the computers involved.
I will reiterate that I love Arbonne International products. They have great ingredients and give great results. But I cannot do the business. My dreams of network marketing success have taken me elsewhere.
If you are in the same position I invite you to join the Mentoring for Free trainings. Call me or e-mail me for more information. These trainings are free, they provide skills trainings no one else is doing, and they are fun. There is also a great Saturday night personal growth mastermind call.
Wishing you network marketing success through avoiding stairstep-breakaway compensation plans that drive an undesirable behavior in the field,
Wendy Weber, The Singing Network Marketer
E-mail Wendy for network marketing or health coaching information
"Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart"
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