Business Opportunity from Home - 3 Reasons for Failure.

During the short time I have been involved in the network marketing world I have become aware of one thing. When people look into a business opportunity from home they are so full of dreams of success that they overlook three important reasons of possible failure.
We get hyped up about a business from home because we can be our own boss. We don’t have to do the nine to five routine. Think again!
Do you have the discipline to follow the basics of network marketing?
Can you make yourself get up in the morning and do what needs to be done during the day to get positive results in a home based business? Do you have the organization skills?
The three major reasons people fail are;
Do you have the skills to do a business from home? Do you know how to advertise with pay-per-clicks, ezines, blogs or a great press release? Do you know the Colors to Success, or how to be a Color Profiler? Do you know anything about a 5 Pillars Company? How about getting leads? Oh, this is a subject unto itself! Do you know how to retail? Is talking on the phone easy for you? Network Marketing is about relationships. Are you aware that listening is a skill?
Lets say you have all the above skills. You know all about advertising and so on. Now to find a company. You find one and you are off to a big start. Then suddenly, for no reason you are terminated. Terminated! Yes! Maybe for listening to another company leader tell you what a great deal they have, trying to convince you to join their deal, only to learn you were turned into your company headquarters, which in turn can and will terminate you because the P&P’s say so. You think this is far fetched? There are companies with such wording in their P&P’s.
Read, and reread your Policies and Procedures. Remember if any company wants your signature on the bottom line before you have read your P&P’s, I don’t care if they are selling gold at $100 an ounce, read the P&P’s first. Read them until you understand them. If you don’t, and something bad happens, no one is to blame but yourself. You can save yourself so much frustration and eventual failure. Get with your upline, or find a mentor that can help you understand your P&P’s. Find the bullet points. Maybe there are some
“gotcha’s” that will work against you down the line.
Read your Compensation plan. Understand them before you buy into a company. Will you be getting a great reoccurring income? Make sure your P&P’s don’t say words like “ongoing” or “termination”. You say they really don’t mean those things that they write in P&P’s. What did they write them for? You bet they mean them. Why would anyone sign an agreement with a company who could terminate you for listening on the phone to another person talk about their company? Why would anyone sign an agreement with the words “ongoing?” READ, READ, READ.
We were all made with the same inner craving to succeed. We want to achieve a better life. We have a dream to be wealthy, to have a big house, to be the CEO of a company, or whatever it is; we have a dream of wanting and needing. And you know what? You deserve it! You deserve to have everything you have always wanted for you and your family. Preparation, research and asking questions of other network marketers is a safe way to approach a new business. Talk to someone who has been in the marketing business for a few years. You deserve your dream. You deserve to be wealthy. But do the preparations first. Your road will be so much smoother.
What to do?
Make the most of it. Don’t fall short without the skills and the knowledge of what you need to do to succeed. Don’t waste your time with the companies that hide “gotchas” in their P&P’s. Go ahead buy the product if you like, but don’t join them. Join a company that has the 5 Pillars from the beginning. These companies think about their distributors because they have been in the trenches themselves. It is the only way you will make it. Ask the thousands of people who have worked for years to build a company only to have earned a few hundred dollars. Ask them about the wasted time they spent building for nothing.
Am I scaring you away from network marketing? I hope not. When you open the door to the marketing world be prepared. Only you can choose what you want. Only you have that special dream. Don’t throw your dream away on worthless companies that are here today and gone tomorrow. Stay away from the hype, the front loader companies or a one product company.
Take your dream and go with it. Let your business opportunity from home be fun. Let it be profitable. Learn before you begin your business, so there will be no chance at failures because you deserve it . Don’t let failure be in your equation. Learn first so the three big reasons for failure are not part of your business opportunity adventure.
May success be yours.
Deana Miller
We can help your succeed.
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